HRDC Celebrates 35 Years!

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In September, 2019 we celebrated 35 years of bringing hope and world-class treatment to the poorest children in Nepal. In that time, we’ve served 96,054 children, completed 46,318 surgeries and produced 78,685 prosthetic and orthotic devices. This life-changing work takes many skilled professionals and the staff now number 230, including 28 who are former patients. Our innovative model of care can be scaled even further in Nepal and replicated in low-resource countries around the world.


Our Vision हाम्रो भीजन

A compassionate, inclusive, and caring society where children with physical disabilities have equal access to opportunities and the best possible quality of life.

Our Mission हाम्रो मिशन 

To ensure children with physical disabilities reach their full potential by providing medical interventions with rehabilitation, and removing barriers to cultural inclusion.

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chris king