


In Nepal disability is viewed as a curse, and poor disabled children are often kept isolated at home – away from prying eyes and taunts. Our 76 Community Based Rehabilitation workers are key to finding these children. With strong community ties and vast networks, they identify children in remote corners of Nepal who need our help. Families are encouraged to attend one of our mobile medical camps – every year we conduct 150 days in the field where children are evaluated and given a treatment plan. Depending on the disability, treatment takes place in the camp, at one of our four satellite centers, or at our hospital in Banepa. Our goal: to help children with physical disabilities reach their full potential.


Our Community Based Rehabilitation Program extends our impact with
on-the-ground staff, embedded in the community.



In a low-resource country like Nepal, medical treatment is out of reach for the poorest. The result is that children with physical disabilities suffer complications not seen in more developed countries. With 35 years’ experience, we’ve created low-cost, world-class treatments for the most challenging conditions faced by any medical team. From spinal surgery to complicated releases of burn contractures, we perform an average of 2,500 surgeries every year in our 6 operating rooms. We also pioneered the non-surgical Ponseti method of clubfoot treatment in Nepal, healing more than 500 children a year.

We couldn’t do this work without qualified medical professionals. Every year we train 120 people in clubfoot management and Primary Rehabilitation Therapy (PRT), building an effective grassroots workforce. We also publish our research in medical journals, sharing our local knowledge and innovations with a global audience.



Our state-of-the-art surgical interventions require rehabilitation to be successful. That’s why long-term physiotherapy – often for many years – and follow up with children is a top priority. The numbers alone are staggering: more than 66,000 physio sessions are carried out each year in our hospital and four satellite centers. Children and parents learn how to perform exercises at home, and our Community Based Rehabilitation workers conduct home visits to ensure children stay on track. Hand in hand with physiotherapy are prosthetics and assistive devices. Children need new appliances over time, so we created an in-house workshop to keep costs low, crafting more than 6,000 a year. As children grow, they have what they need.



The social stigma associated with disability in Nepal can be devastating, depriving children of their dignity, independence, and social support. We’re working at the ground level to create inclusive communities through awareness raising events, school workshops, and social media. Our best ambassadors are the children themselves. During their stay at HRDC all children join the HRDC School in the hospital complex where they not only receive education, but are fully accepted and respected. Many of these children have been bullied in their local schools and communities, and the experience at HRDC is transformative. Their newfound confidence and belief in their abilities is changing hearts and minds back in their villages. So far 28 former patients have joined our staff – role models for children beginning their life-changing journeys.